Grace to Grieve ❤



I wanted to share a gentle reminder as we journey through life. It’s about grief and I know it all too well. The funny thing about grief is that it can disguise itself in a variety of ways, which means that the way that we deal with it has multiple solutions. What I wanted to address is how we treat people as they grieve. What works for one, doesn’t for the other. So, when you see posts or hear a friend share about the way that they are choosing to cope, have grace for them. Even if you identify with their hardship, you still don’t truly know how it feels to go through what they are going through.

Loss and grief doesn’t care about race, gender, social and political views, your salary or how you were raised.

With Father’s Day approaching, you might be upset for the lack of emotions you are seeing from your spouse. Or maybe the holiday triggers you from last year's thoughtful gift that wasn’t received well. We can not put our emotions on anyone else. Remember, what they feel is true to them. The way that they choose to grieve is right for them. If it feels right for you to visit a grave, purchase a memorial gift or just sit in bed a little longer, then you do that.

I think this message is appropriate for everyone, not just who has endured pregnancy loss. I have come to realize that the isolation has stirred up familiar feelings of loss and grief has made its way back into my home. I am grieving what life was once like. The freedom we had, with little reservation. Yes, memories are being made and gratitude posts have been helpful for me, but that doesn’t remove the yearning for things to go back to as they once were. I even feel like I’m grieving the future, will things ever return to normal?

Be a good listener, bite your tongue. Don’t offer up advice (I know that seems odd, but trust me!) and simply say “I’m sorry.”

“Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.”
Romans 12:15

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