What Lullaby of Hope means to the Loy family

Emily and Brad have journeyed infertility and most recently a devastating miscarriage.

"My water broke completely and at 19 weeks and 2 days and we lost our precious daughter, Whitley Kate. I am so thankful that my cousin Katie had a Lullaby of Hope gift box sent to me... I never ever dreamed that I would need to become a recipient of one, since I didn’t know about this ministry until after I had Evie, and had overcome infertility.

I was perfectly content with sending them to friends who were in the middle of the struggle of infertility or experienced pregnancy/infant loss. I had no reason to believe that I would become a recipient myself. Thank you Katie, for having one sent to me... it is truly such a comfort.

I wear the bracelet you gave me every day, and the one from the box as well. Brad and I are doing the devotional together and it has been so helpful!

Today, I am getting Whitley’s footprints tattooed on my wrist... I’m wearing my Lullaby of Hope shirt because I couldn’t think of anything more fitting to wear for this special moment."

LOH Team