Accomplished+ Grateful


My friends,

My friend's Grandma reminds her that we share history with God. He allows these faith building/faith shaping to help us believe in Him when we encounter another obstacle. We can take on these challenges because He has showed us that He can do it.

The last time the board and I met, we reflected on what we were proud of. Sometimes, these accomplishments can get overlooked by the grind of the day but they are too good not to share. We choose to share them with you because your support encourages us to stay on this path and to press on.

  • Our most intentional gift box
  • Trademarked logo
  • Tax exempt status (I know, this should have been done years ago!)  
  • Office space
  • Proud of our team

As the year dwindles down, I encourage you to take time to reflect. Time seems to be flying by these days and we don’t want to miss what God has done.

Our sabbath begins on December 5th, which means that we will accept our last order on December 4th. Our website will reopen on January 4, 2021.

Krystalle & the Lullaby of Hope Team
Tomorrow is #GivingTuesday!
Download the December wallpaper
krystalle wheeler