Finally sharing the big news!

Lullaby of Hope team

My beloved,

You know you mean the world to me! I realize that I have been alluding to a lot over the past few months and I can’t wait to finally share the big news.

I believe that ministry work goes through a sanctification process much like Christ followers do. Never will we fully arrive, never will the work lessen and never will it be perfect until our sweet Jesus calls us to our heavenly home. Over the past seven years, we have molded and shaped Lullaby of Hope (LOH) to where we felt God calling us to. Each door that He opened, we walked through. We began serving mothers who journeyed loss in the womb and we grew into serving couples who were struggling to grow their family and then finally opened our arms to women who have journeyed infant loss. Now, when God closes a door, we too must stop. Whether we like to embrace change or not, it’s important to obey God.

As you might remember, in June we invited you to take a survey for us to gain insight. I had no idea how this simple idea of hearing from you would shape LOH’s future.

Over the summer I had the opportunity to attend an online conference called She Speaks by Lysa Terkeurst. Through this conference not only did “She Speak” but God spoke to me. I had grown burdened by the amount of work with not enough hands to help. As I laid down to sleep that night God said to me “What if the help you need is already under your roof?” In that very moment I had a vision of what needed to happen. I quickly reached out to my board and we were able to meet the very next morning (that in itself was a miracle!). They were in full agreement! With the survey results in our back pocket, we began planning our new gift and ministry focus.

With the combination of our survey results, God’s prompting, our teams unity, data reports and oodles of prayer...we have decided to go back to our roots and refocus our efforts solely to women journeying loss in the womb.

It is painful to consider not only what we are saying no to, but who. But in God’s immeasurable grace, He has already established some beautiful ministries to serve these women. Ministries that are doing it better than we could ever imagine. Therefore, instead of competing with them we are grateful to step out of their way and allow them to flourish even more by pointing you to them. We are their biggest cheerleaders!

Our common thread has always been pregnancy loss and loving Jesus. Prior to this change, I had two beautiful (yet overwhelmed!) ladies sending our pregnancy loss gifts. Now, that team will be doubled and the weight of the work will be spread more evenly. With this ministry re-focus, you can also expect a new redesigned gift box and contents. We can’t wait to share these beauties with you! We also wanted to create more of a community for our gift recipients to circle back to us. For that reason, we have established a closed Facebook group for our sisters to join. A place where we can guide the narrative and continue to point them to Christ.

With the amount of work that is going on behind the scenes, we decided that it was best for us to take a sweet, sweet, sabbath. We will accept our last order on December 6th and launch our redesigned website on January 6th. This will allow us ample time to get old supplies from our core team while providing them with newly packed gifts, as well as a time of rest for our hard working volunteer team.

We are excited (and a little bit nervous!) about these changes, but with you by our side, we are confident that we will continue to soar!

All my love,

Krystalle & the Lullaby of Hope Team
Giving Tuesday December 3 - Giving Tuesday donations will be matched up to $1000
LOH Christmas Spotify Playlist
We're going live Dec. 2nd. Instagram - 8:30p CST, Facebook - 9:00p CST
Download the December Wallpaper
LOH Team